[intransit] Producers: Session 2

Introductions to the WHY? written by Finn McEvoy We met for the second time, on a Thursday evening in Dorchester’s Dorford Centre. At this meeting, first we began to discuss possible partners for our WHY? Festival. There are so many fantastic organisations in Dorset and the surrounding areas that we can get involved with our festival.…

Portland old map

Hello Bea!

b-side are excited to announce the apppointment of Bea Moyes as the project Research Coordinator on their Heritage Lottery Funded project 'Portland Pathways'. Bea is an independent researcher and filmmaker, with a background working with archive collections. She will be coordinating a team of community researchers to explore the historic origins of the rights of way…


Meet the [intransit] Producers!

The [intransit] Producers are 5 under 25s working together for a specific aim – they are producing and programming their very own WHY? Festival. The WHY? Festival stands for What’s Happening for the Young? And is a festival that was launched in 2014 by the Southbank Centre. The festival itself is always produced by young people’s…

East Weares path_preview

Opportunities at b-side

Portland Pathways  b-side has been awarded Heritage Lottery funding for a project exploring the historic origins of footpaths on the Isle of Portland, Dorset and their relationship to the landscapes and sites they connect.  For this project we would like to commission an artist to respond to information gathered by the community research team to…

b-side Catalyst Small Grant Success

We are delighted to announce that b-side will be a recipient of Arts Council England’s Catalyst Small Grants programme. Catalyst Small Grants is designed to help organisations build their fundraising capacity and become more resilient. This funding enables us to invest more time into strategic planning, fundraising, partnership building and develop new ways of bringing investment into…

The b-side Board of Directors

In 2017 we welcomed new members to our Board of Directors!  John Tizard (Chair) “I delighted to Chair the b-side board. It is a privilege to be part of such a dynamic and creative team. We combine the power of art with the power of community. This is awesome and empowering.” John Tizard is a strategic advisor and…