b-side Catalyst Small Grant Success

We are delighted to announce that b-side will be a recipient of Arts Council England’s Catalyst Small Grants programme. Catalyst Small Grants is designed to help organisations build their fundraising capacity and become more resilient. This funding enables us to invest more time into strategic planning, fundraising, partnership building and develop new ways of bringing investment into…

The b-side Board of Directors

In 2017 we welcomed new members to our Board of Directors!  John Tizard (Chair) “I delighted to Chair the b-side board. It is a privilege to be part of such a dynamic and creative team. We combine the power of art with the power of community. This is awesome and empowering.” John Tizard is a strategic advisor and…

Reflecting on ‘b-side Assemblies No 2: Embracing Change, Embracing Dementia’ by Rachel Dunford

A new initiative b-side have started is called 'b-side assemblies' where people can book a place for a day of conversation, featuring contributions from artists, producers and curators. The discussion is usually linked with the exhibition currently on at Outpost (Outpost is b-side's office and gallery space).  The event I attended was called 'b-side Assemblies No 2: Embracing…

post box

Apply for b-side Festival 2018!

Want to be a part of b-side Festival 2018?  We are now receiving applications for our next festival.  We are looking to commission new works of up to £4,000.  We are looking for ideas that respond to and reveal all aspects of the island, which may include its geology, ecology, archaeology, heritage and its geographic relationships locally and internationally.…

Shame Chorus at West Weares. Photo: Paul Box.

LGBT History Month 2017

It's LGBT History month and we've got a couple of things to share with you!  Firstly: We are celebrating LGBT History month by releasing some very special live recordings of Shame Chorus from b-side festival 2016.  Each Monday (in February) we will be releasing a new track! So keep your eyes and ears peeled! Shame Chorus is an uplifting music…



Ho ho ho! And the festive season is almost upon us. From Monday 12th – Sunday 18th of December outpost is going to transform into a festive hub of Christmas activities. Be sure to come and visit us! We’ve got lots of stuff going on! 12th – 18th       The b-side festive window display…

11 Sep 2016 02:58:31

Have you visited #bside16 ?

(If you have) Thanks so much for visiting b-side festival this year!  We'd love to know your thoughts !  Fill in our online survey. If you've got a spare 5 minutes we'd love for you to fill in our online survey.  Knowing what you think, feel and want will help us improve as a festival. …