We are delighted to announce that b-side will be a recipient of Arts Council England’s Catalyst Small Grants programme.
Catalyst Small Grants is designed to help organisations build their fundraising capacity and become more resilient. This funding enables us to invest more time into strategic planning, fundraising, partnership building and develop new ways of bringing investment into the organisation.
The next b-side festival takes place 08 – 16 September 2018 and plans are well under way for a wonderful 9 day event that will see artists and visitors celebrate Portland’s landscape, history, geography through visual art, live art, sound and film. b-side will also shine a light on what is happening on Portland right now and plans to be part of the Dorset arts ecology for a long time to come – our ambitious plans mean we need to build on our successes to date and adopt new ways of working.
We will be unveiling our new plans soon and there will be lots of ways for residents of Portland, art lovers of Dorset and the wider region to join in.