Lee Berwick works mainly with sound, exploring the way it behaves in different resonant spaces, to create installations with sounds that relate back
Lee Berwick works mainly with sound, exploring the way it behaves in different resonant spaces, to create installations with sounds that relate back to the space in which they are installed, often using field recording and/or frequencies that are in tune with the location.
A call for stories about Portland’s mysterious past led to all manner of responses – stories which at first may seem far fetched are, in fact, no more unbelievable than what is documented as fact in the island’s history. The Portland Spy Ring, a landscape dotted with strange masts and stories of long forgotten radio transmitters being discovered in dusty Portland lofts has led to a collaboration with sound artist Stephen Shiell to construct a radio theremin, a radio receiver and mast forming part of the installation. The work also uses directional speakers (developed for ship-to-ship communication by the armed forces), sound mirrors (the precursors of radar) and sub-bass. The sound mirrors are a collaboration with sculptor Rob Olins.
Located within and around The High Angle Batteries, the installation will animate this enigmatic site – known locally as ‘The Ghost Tunnels’, using sub-sonics tuned to it’s unique dimensions the outcome cannot be determined until Lee’s in situ with the speakers: will we get ripples of sound, or intense areas of sound pressure – or something else?
High Angle Battery