Kicking off our 'How To Look After an Island' events programme in partnership with Island Community action and The Portland Association.
Our coastline and green spaces are important for wildlife and our well-being. How can we help look after these valuable resources and protect them for future generations to enjoy.
You are invited to join this discussion session with local representatives of organisations that help to look after our environment. Including Dorset AONB, Natural England, Dorset Environmental Records Centre, Butterfly Conservation, Jurassic Coast Trust and People Need Nature plus The Court Leet and Portland Bird Observatory.
Facilitated by Miles King (People Need Nature).
Doors open 10.15am
Why not join in with some of the other related events too? All are free but booking is essential:
10.30 -1pm Make art with Emily Tracy at Bird Observatory BOOK HERE
1.30 – 3pm Nature Walk with Bryan Edwards BOOK HERE
2- 3pm Artist talk by Emily Tracy at Portland Bird Observatory BOOK HERE
3-4pm Tea, Talk and Cake no need to book more info HERE

Miles King has been blogging about nature for 11 years, firstly on the Grasslands Trust blog and then at a new nature blog, for the past 8 years. He has written a large number of reports and is the co-author of Arable Plants: a field guide; and The Nature of God’s Acre. Miles lives with his family, a cat, four guinea pigs and two chickens in Dorset.