The no.1 chat show on Portland
The no.1 chat show on Portland
Talkland Bill is the latest project from b-side stalwart Richard Dedomenici, who at the 2014 Festival redubbed episodes of beloved children’s show Portland Bill with the voices of local residents, and in 2018 was a member of perambulatory dance troupe The Promettes.
For 2021 b-side have asked Richard to make a series of short interview videos with some of the commissioned artists from this year’s Festival.
Although the interviews will be conducted via Zoom, Richard will do his very best to disguise them to resemble excerpts from Terry Wogan’s tv chat show from the late 1980s.
An Isle of Portland resident will act as Richard’s chat show sidekick.
The Talkland Bill episodes will form part of THAT OTHER PLACE, a new digital space for b-side programming, being launched this year as part of the Festival.
Richard DeDomenici is an artist whose anarcho-surrealist interventions strive to create the kind of uncertainty that leads to possibility. Richard has performed in over 30 countries, most recently at the International Biennale For Art & Technology in Trondheim, Norway in 2020.
Available at ThatOther.place
Thurs 09 Sept, Fri 10 Sept, Sat 11 Sept and Sun 12 Sept All Day
That Other Place