I started this in the spirit of home-schooling to encourage my three adult daughters to make and share artwork at this unusual time. Some of our friends have joined in and we are now on assignment number 14. Everyone has really enjoyed the challenges and have said making art has been really therapeutic for their mental health in these worrying times. I’m so proud of all of the work we’ve done over the last couple of months.
- Anita Vincent
The latest posters to go up are by Portland resident Anita Vincent and Portland artist Stephan Yates
During the lockdown, many people have been rekindling their love of making – baking, sewing, painting, drawing and crafting we want to celebrate and showcase this, and make sure that everyone can still engage with b-side’s creative programme despite the current closure of our project space and postponement of the Festival this year.
Outpost project space is on Fortuneswell High Street, Portland and has huge street-level windows – it makes the perfect safe social distancing exhibition space. Following an overwhelming response to our call out to Portland residents to show us their creativity we have a fantastic visual archive of Portland Lockdown creative talent.
Over Lockdown Anita’s friends and family took part in ‘IsoArt ‘ assignments she set them. They all sent her photos of their pictures and Anita would then post them on Facebook on the hand in date. Subjects have been various including pets, treasure map, skywatching, favourite outfit, my shop……..etc.
For Stephen making work has been a personal search for peace during lockdown which came in an urge to create. “Not based on thought – but based on feeling. I find inspiration in the architecture of Nature and on local walks with my dog, from my home on Portland.”
77 Fortuneswell