b-side kicks off what we hope will be our most memorable Festival yet with this amazing and magical group event, involving people, illuminated bikes and a lullaby.
b-side kicks off what we hope will be our most memorable Festival yet with this amazing and magical group event, involving people, illuminated bikes and a lullaby. Lullaby is a gift to a place, a surround sound illuminated artwork, made by its own citizens and delivered at dusk, to the public’s door. Lullaby is the first artwork Luke Jerram has made specifically for young children. As a parent himself, he is particularly aware that a child’s bedtime is a very special time of day.
At dusk, when the streets are quiet and empty a child is woken by strange and ethereal music surrounding their home. Running to the front door with their parents, the music can be heard drifting down the end of the street.
A shoal of twinkling lights is seen in the distance getting closer. Only as the mass of illuminated bikes pass their house will they realise that the music is coming from speakers attached to dozens of decorated bikes producing the most ambient and serene music composed by established Bristol musician Andy Taylor.
‘What an amazing night. A great couple of hours spent with my 7 year old daughter who loved every second… Everyone who took part just helped make the atmosphere amazing… Loved it when the music died down and everyone started ringing their bells, was quite a mystical and majestic surround sound experience. The people of Portland were so welcoming and supportive too which made it that much more special.’ Visitor.
Download the Lullaby Bike Route HERE
Lullaby from lukejerram on Vimeo.
“A big thank you for organising this ride. One of the best ever cycle related events I have participated in. The joy it brought to both riders and spectators as a memory will linger longer than most.”
Want to be part of this memorable experience? Pre register to take part in Lullaby here, all you need is a bike, an assortment of lights to decorate yourself, your bike and one hour of your time.
Guidance: Lullaby is suitable for anyone who can ride a bike safely on the road, under 16’s must be accompanied by an adult, tag-alongs and child seats are allowed too. Lullaby will be escorted by trained bike stewards and all Lullaby participants must wear bike helmets. The route for Lullaby will last one hour approximately and is an easy bike ride around the Easton and Weston areas of Portland with few hills.
St Georges Centre