Portland Museum and b-side have commissioned award-winning director, designer and audio/visual specialist Dan Shorten of Guildhall School of Music & Drama to create an inspiring and innovative piece of work to show at the museum during b-side festival in September 2020.
As part of The History, Myths and Legends of Church Ope Cove project the museum is currently running, Dan and Guildhall School video designers will be responding to community-produced research to create a stunning, bespoke video animation to be projected onto a landmark close by the museum and inside the museum itself. Accompanied by sound, the video will dramatically bring the architecture of the buildings to life by using a projection mapping technique designed to enhance and highlight the buildings’ individual characteristics.
Check out this video to see some of Dan’s previous work with Guildhall School of Music & Drama below.
With the featured research areas of the project covering such stirring subjects as smuggling, secret tunnels, Viking invasions, and landslides, visitors can expect to see a spectacular and dynamic slice of history reworked in an extraordinary fashion.