The local Portland taboo about mentioning a certain burrowing animal sometimes makes watching films difficult, because Oryctolagus cuniculus play
The local Portland taboo about mentioning a certain burrowing animal sometimes makes watching films difficult, because Oryctolagus cuniculus plays an important part in so many of the most influential and best loved movies.
In the unique subterranean setting of the tunnels beneath the High Angle Battery with power provided by Headset’s Pedal Powered Cinema, Alistair Gentry presents an all bunny, never to be repeated, no plot compilation of big screen appearances by Portland’s fluffiest enemy.
Meet at the parking area by High Angle Battery and South gate of HMP The Verne for the short walk to the tunnels.
Guidance: the tunnels are dark and must be accessed by a small stairway down and due to the size of the space we can only admit up to 30 people to experience this long eared invader event. To guarantee your spot please arrive by 1.30 – no latecomers admitted.
New Ground