Hold fast to the bones of my wings
Seek subtle movement
Sense prey and climb higher
Wynde in angles together
And hover
Turn in space, suspend out of time
Look, the vole runs for cover
We switch
Conjure arrowed descent
Out of air
The land becomes ours for a moment
We take breath, tear flesh, and ascend.
Anna Golding – Wildworks workshop participant.
Experience an exhilarating new ritual created for Portland at the edge of the Isle.
Congregate in The Last Landscape at the coming of the dusk, the borderline hour between light and dark, when anything is possible and experience a new ritual for Portland created by UK’s leading landscape theatre company and the community.
Inspired by Portland’s ancient beginnings and speculative histories telling stories of a land of ritual, ruled by the seasons and their symbolism, where fire was used as celebration, as source of community cohesion and as beacon for seafarers.
“We have been looking for the traces of these ceremonies, in the land, in the archives, in the memories of people. We are inspired to create a modern ritual where people and symbolic animals will come together in celebration. At the coming of the dusk, the borderline hour between light and dark, when anything is possible.
We are nothing without community. Look out for opportunities to get involved and contribute to the making of this new creation.”
Prepare to have your senses tantalised, to connect with others around you, and to experience the landscape like never before.
Listen to the audio of ‘Portland Speaks’ created by Pam Du Val for UnCommon Lands Performance