An evening of art, chat and food!
Come along and enjoy an informal evening of art and chat led by and for Portland LGBTQ+ communities and their allies.
Bristol-based artist Tom Marshman is gathering communities to explore the impact of Section 28 legislation introduced by Margaret Thatcher’s Conservative government.
In partnership with b-side, Tom is hosting a series of tea parties to discuss the impact of Section 28 on the queer community. Tom Marshman, has been collecting stories across the UK.
Personally, he wonders if growing up within the decade in which queer life was silenced has made him a bit of a show-off, compelled to share queer or LGBTQI+ stories? He has observed many other people’s strong reactions to this legislation. Emotions are running high, particularly at this dangerous moment when a repeat of similar legislation is possible, returning to the silencing of queerness in this country.
The tea parties are a place for communities to meet and share their stories over tea and cake. You could have lived through this time or be curious to know more, everyone is welcome.
There will be short performances connected to the topic to provoke conversation, providing starting points for discussion with a cabaret flair.
FREE. Booking is essential as places are limited.
Book online here or text Rocca on (+44)7931183804 to reserve a spot.
Donations as ever are most welcome!
Part of b-side Community Connections Programme funded by Dorset Council.
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