Over the Summer Ania Bas was resident artist at Tophill Library and The Sugar Loaf Cafe on Portland, meeting café customers and staff and writ
Over the Summer Ania Bas was resident artist at Tophill Library and The Sugar Loaf Cafe on Portland, meeting café customers and staff and writing micro narratives together. These micro stories are now engraved on The Sugar Loaf Café’s cutlery to be used on daily basis during b-side Festival. Forks and knives will carry various narratives: fiction and true stories, tales of loss, hope and love.
A spoon, a fork tell one story – a knife, a teaspoon another.
Drop into The Sugar Loaf Cafe – stir your tea with a spoon of drama, eat your lunch with a fork of fiction or cut some cake with a knife of mystery!
The Sugar Loaf Cafe
4 Reforne, Easton,