In a time when the world seems so divided, to dig together in the spirit of art seems a humbling and worthwhile activity to me.
Working the land in a different way
Working the land in a different way
Katie’s sculptural works are inspired by tools and working with tools. They relate to the quarrying industry that dominates this landscape and the way that man has physically ‘sculpted’ the Island in his quest for Portland stone. Nowadays this is all done mechanically and so the piece nestles in the community allotment where people come together to work the land in a very different way. These large-scale sculptural tools will come alive at scheduled points in the festival. Requiring a group of people to activate them, the motions become almost performative as the participants struggle to dig and use the earth-moving sculptural tools to plant bulbs and seeds in pots to take home.
Thurs 09 Sept, Fri 10 Sept, Sat 11 Sept 11:00 – 18:00
Sun 12 Sept 11:00 – 16:00
Portland 4 the Planet Community Allotments
Grove Road