A toast to the symbiosis of the relationship between older women and gay men
A toast to the symbiosis of the relationship between older women and gay men
Butterflies and Dinner Ladies has been developed as a short solo piece for camera through a residency at Metal Peterborough. It is about the relationship between older women and gay men. It is a toast to the symbiosis of that particular relationship between the older lady, the spinster, widow, the old dear, the dames and duchess who steadfastly bring forth and help to bring about a change and transformation to create the emerging gay who comes out of the chrysalis to form the brightest of butterflies.
Tom has been a practicing artist for over 20 years, and produced over 60 projects, across many mediums, including museum audio-tours, theatre and cabaret. Actively encouraging dialogue with participants, through socially engaged processes such as ‘Tea Parties’, which allow him evocative glimpses into everyday life, letting him tell engaging, poetic and unpretentious stories. An overarching theme of his work is that of the outsider and their story, particularly regarding the LGBTQ+ experience, stories that been omitted through archival silence. He is a big fan of the b-side festival!
Available at ThatOther.place
Thurs 09 – Sun 12 Sept
That Other Place