An evening of art, chat and food!
Come along and enjoy an informal evening of art and chat led by and for Portland LGBTQ+ communities and their allies. Hot food and invited guests at each session.
Mel from Space Youth Project will be joining us with a whole library of LGBT+ inclusive children’s books celebrating LGBT+ diversity. With a focus on trans awareness and celebrating LGBT+ rainbow families, Mel will be joined by Connor and Marcia who will share their experiences on being LGBT+ in Dorset. Mel will also bring along badge-making bits and pieces for some arty fun with queer badge-making!
FREE and hot dinner included. Booking is essential as places are limited.
Book online here or text Rocca on (+44)7931183804 to reserve a spot.
Donations as ever are most welcome!
Part of b-side Community Connections Programme funded by Dorset Council.
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