The Portland Colour Library forms part of a diptych created by Stig Evans. Discovered in an attic in London in the late 1990’s, the anonymous Portland Colour Library is a unique object from the early part of the 20th century. Lovingly restored, the 42 colour ‘swatches’ are housed in a hardwood box that appears to reveal a personal recording of the distinctive and unique colour found on Portland.
Influenced by this Victorian curiosity Stig Evans will be employing the public in making their own version to form “The Peoples Colour Library of Portland “
Come and find Stig outside Quiddles Café during the festival. He will be asking the public to give a name to these anonymous colours. Winning entries will each get a prize of their own pot of paint and a chance to be part of the historic Library.
Viva the People’s Colour Library of Portland!
Projects Involving Stig Evans