Leah Crews works with the linocut print technique to create images that explore locality and ‘place attachment’ – the bonds we form with places.
A visit to Portland last year became the starting point of her project ‘Postcards to Locals’ which involved creating hand-printed postcards based on alternative tourism and the unnoticed everyday aspects of a place. These postcards were then sent to residents of the area with personalised messages and memories of experiences – see all the postcards here Postcardstolocals.tumblr.com
Leah’s work for the festival involves a series of hand-printed linocut books based on residential streets of Fortuneswell, full of meaning and memories for the people that inhabit them.
Leah Crews is the recipient of a b-side bursary 2013.
Leah Crews's Event Archive
Projects Involving Leah Crews